Nelly Elliott

Newcastle based person, she/her, mama, creative, colourful, caffeinated, plus-size fashion lover, lefty feminist killjoy #funbutmakeitfashion


Weekend Round-up Vol #1

I am trying to get back into the swing of blogging again, long time readers will know I go through phases of blogging lots and then not at all. I would like to get a little more consistent as it is something I really like doing; writing and sharing. First and foremost I do this for me, almost like an online diary.

With that in mind I wanted to start a new habit of sharing what I get up to each week/weekend. The restrictions are lifting and we are getting out and about a little more so I want to remember it and capture this time of our lives. So welcome to my Weekend Round-up, a little monday morning reflection of what we got up to last week/weekend.

Last week was a bit of a momentous one as it marked the start of getting back into the office more regularly, We had been going in one day a week for the past few months, but from last week we were in 3 days a week. I thought I might be a bit apprehensive but honestly, it felt really good to be getting a little taste of normality, and it was lovely to see my team again outside of the confines of a zoom call. I went a bit extra and made banners and blew up balloons. I probably need to chill as I do worry I give off Michael Scott boss vibes.

After work on Friday I had an eye test, its funny how even the most mundane of tasks feels a little exciting post lockdown! Turns out my prescription has changed slightly, the very young optician reassured me that it was nothing to worry about, probably just my age. LOL

I found two pairs I really liked, and thankfully they had a 2-4-1 offer on at Specsavers so I got both! What do you think?

After my eye test I grabbed a quick coffee with my bestie, we sad outside and it was warm and wonderful. My love languages are definitely vanilla oat frappuccinos and blossom trees.

Saturday morning we were up and about early as Zoe does Gymnastics at 10am, its a bit of a walk so we have to be ready to go by 9am which is not ideal - as I love a lay in. The Gymnastics place is in an industrial estate and there is the BEST fabric shop nearby, which is slightly dangerous. The past two weeks I have nipped in on the way and bought some beautiful fabric. I have big plans for making some clothes. I will be sure to share my progress here.

I created a cute Reel of our trip and what I bought on Instagram, click below to watch it.

After Gymnastics we grabbed some picnic bits and headed to the Rising Sun Country Park for a walk with some friends. It was a glorious sunny day and we spent about 4 hours walking and exploring, building dens and meeting some animals. It had been so long since we were all together and felt so good. The added bonus of all the fresh air and walking was that kids were very tired - early nights all round. To be totally honest I ordered a pizza for tea and took myself off to bed by 7:30pm.

Sunday was another sociable day, we headed to my sisters beautiful garden. Its my Brother in Law's birthday today, so we had lots of yummy food and cake. The sun was shining again so we set up the sprinkler for Zoe to play with - although we didn't take a change of clothes so she travelled home in my jumper!

Look at all the freckles!!

I also received an ASOS parcel on Sunday, I had ordered some Levi jeans, as I had a 25% off code so decided to splurge. I had seen a few plus size bloggers wearing them and I was keen to branch out beyond my usual skinny jeans. I absolutely love the fit and cut of them, but was devastated that they were ever so slightly too tight on the waist. I went back and forth on weather to keep and hope they stretch with wear, but given that I paid £70 for them it felt like a lot of money for something not to be comfortable.

I have ordered the bigger size to try but I am worried that they'll not fit as well on the legs and bum. I mean how great does my butt look?! Waaah. I will keep you posted on the next size up. Might even do a little review/styling post on here.

So there we have it, my wonderful weekend. Hope you have been enjoying the sunny weather too.
