Nelly Elliott

Newcastle based person, she/her, mama, creative, colourful, caffeinated, plus-size fashion lover, lefty feminist killjoy #funbutmakeitfashion


My Five Favourite Earrings from Small Businesses.

Back in early December there was a little gap in the neverending cycle of lockdown and I ventured to my local tattoo shop to get my ears pierced.

I have had my ears pierced twice in the life.

We were always told as kids that we had to wait until we were 13 to have them done, around my older sisters 13th birthday my mum agreed for us both to go get them done together, much to my sisters horror that I was allowed them pierced at the age of 11, when she had to wait. Younger sibling perks.

I went to a local jewellers in my home town, who pierced them with a gun. It was fine, I felt all kinds of grown up with my shiny earrings. Around the 6 week mark discussion of changing the earrings started, my sister went ahead and did it, and it went fine. 

I took a bit more convincing, and eventually at around 9 weeks post piercing I agreed to change them. It was fairly traumatic and we took out the first earring, and went to put in another pair. I forced my mum to do it for me and she must have gone in wonky, a shooting pain ran through my lobe and I fainted! 

I promptly took them out and let them close up, in hindsight I was a little too young, not just in age, but in maturity.

Fast forward 7 years, freshers week of university. A few of us with non pierced ears, and others seeking additional piercings went off to a local piercer and got them pierced. I have very little memory of the actual event and what happened after - blame the alcohol consumption during my first year of university. 

However, I clearly ended up letting them close up again.

Wizz forward 16 years, some friends and Instagram babes I follow starting making and selling super cute earrings! I felt pretty left out, and after getting my nose pierced in 2019 I felt more confident in getting them done again - I went to my local tattoo studio and had them pierced with a needle - which is so much better and less traumatic by the way.

At the 6-7 week mark I managed to gather the confidence to change them after buying lots of very cute earrings. It was a little sore at first, but I now have the process down and I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.

Anyway, this was a very long story to say - Hey I bought some cute earrings that I want to show you!! 

*disclaimer* I paid for all of these products myself, no ads or freebies here.

1. Up first is these beauties from The Pompomporium. This shop was pretty much the reason I got my ears pierced, Linzi's designs are so unique and I already have my heart set on at least 3 more pairs. Everything in her shop is made with such care and attention to detail and the packaging is so cute. Her earrings retail at around £20 (can be more for more detailed pieces).

2. Also another instagram babe who forced me to get my ears pierced with her ridiculously cute designs; Bethany Rutter. I adore Bethany and have followed her for ever, I think her style is perfection and dont get me started on her books! These pink and red polymer clay earrings are so me it ridiclous. The semi circle ones were £14.50 (the heart ones were a gift from a friend).

3. I have coveted Cult of Youth jewellery for a long time, I still desperately want one of her lockets (*cough* if Santa is reading this). Her stuff is amazing quality and in the slightly higher price bracket, but these feel really fun but also special. They are Gold plated brass on gold fill hoops and were £35.

4. These little wooden studys from Ivy and Ginger are all hand painted and are wonderfully light and colourful to wear. The studs are £6 each which is super reasonable and they really add a pop of colour to an outfit. I cant wait to wear the crap out of the daisies in spring.

5. Finally, I grabbed these earrings from Milk and Moon as part of the last Punky Family Feminist Market. They are also wooden on small gold hoops and are really striking. I love the message of these and find them really comfortable to wear. These are £22.

So these are the first earrings I have bought and loved, I did buy some others but havent featured them as I didnt love them. I am always on the hunt for small businesses to follow and buy from though, so if you have any recommendations please either comment here or head over to my Instagram and comment on this post.
