Nelly Elliott

Newcastle based person, she/her, mama, creative, colourful, caffeinated, plus-size fashion lover, lefty feminist killjoy #funbutmakeitfashion


Mineral Spa @ Crowne Plaza Newcastle - Otherwise Known as my Happy Place

Hello, my name is Nelly and I am a spa-virgin. Before last week I had never set foot in a spa, I didn't get it. I've never been a super girly girl, or felt the urge to be rubbed by strangers. Also, the fear of new situations that involve swimwear is real.

Well thanks for the wonderful team at Mineral Spa, within the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Newcastle I am no longer a spa virgin, in fact I am a total convert. Holy relaxation batman! You know that feeling when you didn't realise how tense you were until you actually relax. My shoulder must have been up by my ears when I walked in, but by the time I left I was a puddle of content jelly sliding onto the metro.

The Crowne Plaza is quite a new addition to the up and coming Stephenson Quarter of Newcastle (for locals, its the bit behind the train station, also the area where the Boiler Shop events are held), at first glance you could mistake it for an office building, but then you spot the spot the sign for the Gin Bar, and know you're in for a treat. The entrance way is gorgeous, with a huge hanging chandelier hanging the full height of the building.

A quick trip in the lift to the lower ground floor and you enter the calming Mineral Spa. Unlike the light and airy foyer of the hotel, it is dark and instantly relaxing. I was shown to the relaxation corner, and offered some yummy canapes and mocktails, the mushroom pate was an absolute delight, and the pineapple and raspberry mocktail refreshing. I got to hang out with some other really cool local bloggers (Nyomi, Laura, Rachel and Chloe), we chatted about blogs, my spa virginity and randomly gun control. I really enjoyed a good natter, but I was keen to check out the facilities.

The lovely Spa manager pointed me in the direction of the changing rooms and answered my silly questions like a complete professional. She did ask me if I wanted to use their gym facilities, which made me chuckle, I am so not a gym bunny.

Complete honesty here, the robe was cosy, if a little on the small side, this photo cunningly disguises the unflattering gaping just below crotch level; attractive. Once I was in the spa itself though, I took it off. My favourite part of the whole spa was definitely the jacuzzi, I want one of these in my house! I could have easily spent the full two hours getting lost in the bubbles. The steam room was really hot (duh!) but surprisingly relaxing, I could feel my pores opening and while I could only manage a few minutes at a time, I did keep going back for more.

The pool was small but perfect for the space and number of people there. It was cooler than the jacuzzi, but so refreshing. I actually forgot how much I enjoy swimming, my arms were pleasantly aching after a few lengths and I felt I deserved more jacuzzi time. Once my fingers were sufficiently prune-y, I took advantage of their free wifi and lay on the loungers, instagramming smug spa photos.

The two hours flew by, and honestly I could have happily stayed all day!

Once my 2 hours was up, I got partially dressed out of my wet swimmers, and back into my clothes (I kept the slippers on) to head to the lobby for my Orly Manicure. Now, along with being a spa virgin, I also have never had my nails done professionally. The manicurist was so lovely, I am always a little awkward in these situations, I am not great with the small talk, and sitting so close to someone, I honestly thought it'd be awkward-city. She was the perfect level of friendly, without being super chatty. There was some comfortable silences, peppered with chats about our children, information about the products, and just general chit chat.

I chose a shimmery blue shade, it had a name which I honestly forgot as soon as she told me, but it was one of those nonsensical names like Careless Whisper or something... I loved it, she filed and shaped and painted, and I was told to not do anything for 8 minutes... Like an idiot I went to get my shoes on and instantly smudged a thumb, I felt really bad as she'd done such a great job and I hadn't even taken a picture yet! (blogger problems)

Although credit to her, I mentioned my idiocy on my way out and she sat me back down and redid it! Honestly, I fell really terrible as I didn't ask her name, but she was an absolute diamond and a credit to the spa. The Orly products are a bit magic and I am super impressed with how well they last. I got a bottle of polish and top coat in my goody bag which I cannot wait to try, my summer toes are going to be perfection!

All in all it was the most perfect afternoon for this stressed working Mama, I needed it and will definitely be back. Their Mineral Moment Package (which is what I had) is only £55. A perfect gift (hint hint) for that special someone in your life.

I really wished we'd had more time to enjoy a lovely cocktail in the Gin Bar before heading home, but after 3.5 hours in the spa the Mum-guilt was setting in and I had to get home for tea-bath-bed time with Zoe.

Are you a spa-goer? What is your favourite treatment? I attended the spa as part of a blogger/press launch, all opinions are my own


  1. Hari OM
    Not a spa-goer, but certainly have had individual treatments of this type over the years; nothing beats a bit of pampering! I was really surprised at the cost you mention - that is FABulous value!!! Pretty blue, too... YAM xx

  2. I'm pretty new to spa loving too! You should try the Garage Spa near Barnard Castle next, I went for the first time on Monday and it was beautiful!

  3. Actually, I am sure it was based on a tweet from you, my sister has booked us an overnight at the Garage for my 30th in July! :)

  4. Aimee \ March 2016 at 19:29

    Wow, I'm so jealous! I need a bit of spa relaxation! Looks like a gorgeous place to relax x

  5. Newcastle Family Life25 March 2016 at 14:42

    I am a spa virgin too, I thought I was the only one ! I was invited to this event but had to cancel as my other half got sent away with work, so I am very jealous. It looks amazing xx


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