Nelly Elliott

Newcastle based person, she/her, mama, creative, colourful, caffeinated, plus-size fashion lover, lefty feminist killjoy #funbutmakeitfashion


My 5 Make-up Essentials for tired Mums.

I am going to preface this post with the fact that I am definitely not a beauty blogger! Some days I don't even wear make up. Before having Zoe I wouldn't have dreamed of leaving the house without at least some mascara but being a Mum my priorities are a little different, some days all we do is pop to the supermarket or swing by the park, and who the hell cares? Am I right? Although on those days when you've had a terrible night of multiple wake-ups or your day has started pre-5am, I need a little help to look human.

So here are my top 5 products for turning you from Zombie-mum to somewhat normal...

BB Cream - I am prone to dry skin, especially on my forehead, so heavy foundations or powders tend to flake or just not sit right on my skin. Plus, I always feel so weighed down by it. I discovered the wonder of BB cream a few years back and haven't used anything else since, it is light and easy to apply, but gives great coverage too. I personally use Dream Pure by Maybelline, it is pretty cheap in the world of make-up but I prefer it to some of the more expensive brands I've tried and tend to splurge on other items.

Oh La Lift from Benefit - This is my magic wand for those days when your eye bags are suitcases and your injecting caffeine into your eyeballs before 7am. This delicate pink eye brightener goes under your eyes (I apply it on top of my BB Cream) and just erases signs of tiredness and dark circles. Its a miracle worker, trust me.

Highbeam - This is a highlighter from Benefit, which is pearly pink so works well for my pale skintone (they do other tones too), I apply it to the apples of my cheeks and up my cheekbone slightly, also to my brow arch. I find it just lightens my face and makes me look all youthful and dewy. I team it with Benefit's Dandelion blush- they work well together.

L'Oreal Super Liner - I am a huge fan of a winged eye, a nice black flick at the corner which makes you feel a little more put together. I have quite small eyes so find this look helps balance them out a bit. However, I always struggled with traditional brush liners so this style is almost like a felt tip pen! Foolproof. This one is especially thick so even the tiredest most bleary eyed mama can rock it.

Red lips - I am a huge fan of red lips, you look instantly cool and bad ass in my opinion. Although, I have never really got on with traditional lipsticks. I find them waxy or I spend my entire day rubbing my lips together and it wears off! I then discovered the wonder of a lip stain pen, much like the eyeliner it is pretty much a felt tip pen for your face. It can dry your lips out a little so I either buy the double ended kind which has a lip balm, or just pop a bit of Vaseline on top.

The bonus of some of these products is that they won't break the bank. I know benefit can be expensive but when your only buying one or two products it evens out. I'd love to hear your tips on avoiding looking like a Mom-bie (zombie)!


  1. Love this - I've not come across Ooh la lift before, will have to investigate it as it sounds like just what I need! I'm a huge fan of red lips too. If all else fails I apply lippy and mascara and brazen out the rest!

  2. Hari OM
    Yup, my mum always said 'if all else fails, colour those lips!' My days of bright reds are long gone, but even a slick of 'shell beige' gives a lift and depth to the lips for when the head must be stuck outside the door... and am with you on the 'winged eyes'... though the last thing I would have said about you is that you have small eyes - to me they look luminous!!! YAM xx

  3. Oh la lift is magic for me, instant pick me up for puffy dark circles. :)

  4. Fab tips - I am experimenting with make up at the moment - I reckon I have around 10 mins in the morning to put it on, I do feel better when I do!

  5. I love high beam and the loft. Pretty much all my make up is benefit but I'm finally stopping using them as they aren't cruelty free. Same for L'Oréal and Maybelline unfortunately so now I'm on the hunt for new products that I like as much but aren't cruelty free (and ideally non toxic too). For red lips I use smashbox which are fab and cruelty free so at least I can stick with that! I'm so sad to say goodbye to benefit though because like you say, they totally work. I wish they would just get their act together so I can keep using them!


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